Dong village
68km away from Liiping
village is the place where the people's government of the township
of Zhaoxing works for.It's one of the largest Dong villages in the
Dong region of Southeast Guizhou which has total population of some
4000,and more 840 famillies can be found in the village,the village
has a reputation of "the first Dong village in Liping."
Zhaoxing Dong village
is situated in a basin,surround by beautiful mountains and evergreen
trees,a creek flows through the village.Houses are"style with
corridors,all made of China fir or cedar.
98% is the Lu family,it
is classified into 5 clans,living in 5 districts,each clan has a
drum tower.The local call it "tuan"in Chinese,nemely"ren
tuan","Ii tuan","zhi tuan"and "xin
There are 5 old and
exquisite drum towers in the village,wind and rain bridges and opera
stages can be seen every where.Drum towers and wind and rain bridges
are the symbol of a Dong village,they are also the masterpiece of
the Dong's architecture.