25 km from Kaili,
1 hour's ride bus ride, Mandong is tourist Miao village. There are
some 300 families, over 1500 people in the village. The Miao belongs
to Zhouxi style Miao, women here practise the superb embroide technique-Silk
felting embroidery, few families still raize silk worms in summer
for getting silk worm threads to make embroidery for women's festival
clothes, best part of embroidery can be found on women's jacket
and fromt apron. Women here also weave and brocade, the performance
here is interesting too.
Festivals are
Lusheng festival on the first lunar month, Wooden drum stepping
festival on the second lunar month, New rice tasting festival and
Mt climbing festival on the 7th lunar month and Ancestor worshipping
festival on the 10th lunar month. The Lusheng festival in Zhouixi
is really interesting and worth visiting, during the festival, unmarried
girl in silver orment and embroidered jackets and apron will join
the festival, several men play Lusheng leading the dancing group,
girls follow the steps, bird fight and song competion can be seen,
the activites continue till sunset.